Danny Dolphin shares his findings about the new human species: Homo sapiens ? flotsam and jetsam

Danny Dolphin | Progress of the Sculpture | Original Concept

These 21 messages from Professor Danny Dolphin were created in conjunction with Homo sapiens ? flotsam and jetsam, an interactive
environmental awareness sculpture that was displayed on the median at 2nd Avenue and Ocean Avenue (across from the Stone Pony)
in the summer of 2010 as part of the Shore Institute for Contemporary Art's Sculptoure 2010 (see link above for more about the sculpture).

Danny Dolphin, Episode 1, "Meet Professor Dolphin"

Learn more about Dolphins here:

Danny Dolphin, Episode 2, "Danny is upset about BP's oil slick, and we couldn't get him to stop talking about it"

Read more about the oil spill disaster and see shocking video of its magnitude here:
60 Minutes must-see videos

Danny Dolphin, Episode 3, "Danny scolds humans about what they found in the dead whale's stomach"

Read about what they found in the whale's stomach here:
Scientists stunned by what was in whale's stomach
Seattle Times Editorial
Discovery News

Danny Dolphin, Episode 4, "Professor Dolphin reports a discovery about which human scientists remain silent."

Read about the unique human characteristic of littering on Wikipedia.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 5, "Some consequences of the human Chemical Revolution."

Read about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch on Wikipedia.
Learn about the Atlantic equivalent of the Pacific patch from the BBC.
See how plastic and other debris impact ocean life.
Learn how decomposing plastic in the ocean releases the endocrine disruptor, BPA.
Something you can do. Learn about 10 amazing ways to recycle plastic bottles.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 6, "Butts"

Learn about the magnitude of the problem at Surfrider.org.
Read how recycled butts can be used to block corrosion in steel.
Learn about efforts to recycle the butts for profit.
Join the call where you live to charge a deposit on cigarette butts.
Read about deposit proposals in Maine, New York, British Columbia, and South Carolina.

Danny Dolphin, Episodes 1 thru 6 compiled

Danny Dolphin, Episode 7, "Food"

Learn how organic farming is better for you and the environment.
Identify 12 food additives to avoid at all cost.
Find out why eating organic food whenever possible is sort of a no-brainer.
Read just a few potential horrors of food that is NOT designated as organic.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 8, "Evolution"

Learn about EVOLUTION on Wikipedia.
Learn why EVOLUTION should be taught to kids from an early age.
Evolution resources for the public school teacher.
Learn about EVOLUTION from PBS.
Read Danny's favorite novel, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, about human cultural evolution.
But for God's sake, PLEASE LEARN ABUOT EVOLUTION SOMEWHERE. It's fascinating, and the most important thing for humans to understand.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 9, "Water Equals Life"

Join Hands Across the Sand on June 26, 2010 to oppose drilling for gas off the Jersey Shore.
Learn why the jugular vein of New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania's environment -- the Delaware River -- has been named the most endangered river in America.
Learn what citizens groups are doing to oppose the environmental catastrophe of fracking for natural gas.
Support the Delaware Riverkeeper Network.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 10, "What is a Consumer?"

Educate yourself about plastic and its far-reaching environmental effects on Wikipedia.
Learn how even corn-based bio-plastics harm the environment.
Learn how big corporations like McDonald's sue people and public interest groups for criticizing their environmental impacts.
Learn about Canada's experience with refillable beverage containers.
Join the refill movement.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 11, "Oceanliners"

Please note that in this week's episode Danny says that "most" ships at sea dump their trash and sewage right into the water, but our fact checkers suggest that Danny ought to have said "many" instead.
The good news is that things can be made much better if only humans have the will to make it so.
Cruise ships using Caribbean Sea as dump.
Oceans Dumped; Your Garbage Alive and Well.
Oceana reveals how cruise ships have looser regulations than cities for sewage and trash.
Moving video of the ocean as garbage dump.
Want to learn even more, here are 4 more powerful articles about this problem here and here and here and here.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 12, "Jellyfish"

Please note that from now on all udpates to the sculpture are at 9 am on Saturday mornings.
New Jellyfish Problem Means Jellyfish Are Not the Only Problem (NYT).
Stinging Tentacles Offer Hint of Oceans� Decline (NYT).
Massive jellyfish swarms dominate world-class fisheries.
Attack of the jellyfish.
Read about Phyllorhiza punctata, an invasive species of jellyfish that is threatening fisheries.
Jellyfish invasion.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 13, "Extinction"

Please note that from now on all udpates to the sculpture are at 9 am on Saturday mornings.
�Flipper Committed Suicide�, says Ric O�Barry
Learn about the Five Worst Extinctions in Earth's History on space.com.
Keep up with the Extincion News on Science Daily.
Wildlife crisis worse than economic crisis (IUCN).
Read about Humans spur worst extinctions since dinosaurs (ABC).
United Nations says eco-systems are at 'tipping point'.
American Museum of Natural History's official statement on the current mass extinction.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 14, "Climate Change"

Please note that from now on all udpates to the sculpture are at 9 am on Saturday mornings.
Read about Global Warming on Wikipedia.
Learn about Earth's Climate History, from hot house to ice box and back again.
Learn how cyanobacteria created our oxygen-rich atmosphere and made our form of life possible.
Learn about the Carbon Cycle.
Learn about the ocean and climate.
See what the EPA says about climate change.
Earth's climate has always changed. It's the current rate of change that's a problem.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 15, "Recycling"

Learn how important natural recycling is for life itself.
The World's Shortest Comprehensive Recycling Guide.
A few start-up businesses with creative recycling projects: clothing and beach plastic and high-volume trash items.
Learn how to stop unnwanted junk mail.
Interesting recycling facts.
The Recyclo-pedia.
Wikipedia on recycling.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 16, "Upside Down"

Sierra Club has chapters nationwide.
Yahoo's directory of environmental organizations.
Join a 10/10/10 work party.
Start your own environmental group.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 17, "Life on Mars?"

Here is David Bowie performing Life On Mars, 1973.
From The Rapture to Project World Evacuation, all kinds of people are hoping to escape
what humankind has done to the Earth rather than fixing it.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 18, "Sustainability"

Learn about sustainability on Wikipedia.
See why the take-make-waste model cannot continue indefinitely.
The problem of peak oil alone makes the current trends unsustainable.
Learn all about sustainable food and cooking.
7 Environmental Problems That Are Worse Than We Thought.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 19, "Captivity"

The problem with Factory Farms.
The life of a 45-day chicken.
Live Fast, Die Young.
The impact of factory farms on children.
CAFOs equal air and water pollution, salmonella and e coli outbreaks, anti-biotics in your food, and a life of misery for the animals.
Half a billion reasons to support Pasture-Based Farming.
Egg Recall Reveals Scrambled Priorities.
Revelations from the House egg-recall hearing.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 20, "CO2"

Major cities warned against sea-level rise.
Wipe Out: World�s Most Vulnerable Coastal Cities.
Understand the greenhouse effect simply on Wikipedia.
Did you know that there's a Google Maps Sea Level Rise Explorer? Wow!
Another interactive sea level rise map from Geology.com.
Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse.
Greenland Ice Sheet Collapse.

Danny Dolphin, Episode 21, "Optimism"

Do Something!
Sierra Club.
Natural Resources Defence Council.
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability.
Delaware Riverkeeper Network.
Top 12 Environmental Organizations Who Use Their Donations Well
Volunteer or Donate.
Environmental groups and resources serving K�12 schools.

Tune in each week all summer for the latest episode of Danny Dolphin.

Visit the site (2nd and Ocean Avenues in Asbury Park, NJ, between the Stone Pony and Langosta Lounge) every Saturday at 9 am from May to October to see the sculpture being updated.

Many thanks to Bob Podrasky for the voice of Danny Dolphin (modified using Soundbooth and After Effects).

Episodes written and animated by Jeffrey Seeds.

Many thanks to SICA and ARTSCAP for Sculptoure 2010.

To learn how you can go from being part of the problem to part of the solution, please visit and support Clean Ocean Action.